Maintaining a safe workplace is an essential requirement for any employer or business.
When it comes to fire safety; training, information, procedures, and practices must be implemented and carried out to protect all employees.
Employees need training in fire safety. For safety measures to be effectively implemented, employees have to be well trained in what to do in the event of a fire, from the initial raising of the alarm, right up to the evacuation of the site or building.
With appropriate training and practical experience gained during fire drills, staff will be sure to know exactly what to do when there is a fire in the workplace. With training, employees will be able to safely escort people out of the building or area and follow the steps outlined in your risk assessment.
Safeguarding against fire in the workplace is essential for the safety and wellbeing of your employees.
If you’re not in control of the risks/hazards that could potentially happen in your workplace, then it is near impossible to safeguard and protect your employees and business from potential harm. This is why businesses now require risk assessments, a legal requirement for any operation.
To ensure long-term fire safety in the workplace, it’s important to review and potentially revise risk assessments regularly.
Fire safety equipment can seriously reduce the risk of a fire occurring. In the event a fire does start in the workplace, the right equipment can alert employees and members of the public, and potentially extinguish the fire before it grows out of control.
You should ensure your workspace has working smoke alarms, fire exit signs, fire escape ladders if necessary, and fire prevention systems such as fire extinguishers and sprinklers. On top of this; you should regularly check your equipment and procedures, at least three times a year to ensure it’s up to date and in operation.
You must carry out regular checks to make sure that:
● Fire alarm systems are working
● Emergency lighting is working
● Any faults in systems and equipment are recorded
● Escape routes are clear and the floor is in good condition
● Fire escapes can be opened easily
● Automatic fire doors close correctly
● Fire exit signs are in the right place
Carrying out essential checks is vital in maintaining a safe working area, preventing a potential fire from spreading, and causing harm. It is vitally important these checks are carried out regularly and the process is correctly documented.
A structured, detailed, and well-practiced evacuation plan is a key tool in fast, effective fire safety for your workplace. With good organization, practice, and routine, it can ultimately be the difference between life and death.
Things to consider:
● A safe meeting point for the workforce
● Escape routes are clearly marked and as short and direct as possible
● Enough exits and routes for all people to escape
● Easy access emergency exits
● Emergency lighting where needed
● Training for all employees
Appoint Fire Wardens
A fire warden can be one of several individuals that receive extra training on top of their basic fire awareness training. Their tasks include:
● Conducting visual checks of portable fire equipment
● Regularly testing fire alarms
● Liaising with the fire brigade
● Carrying out fire drills
● Staff induction training
Usually, fire warden training can be offered as a follow-on training session in addition to a basic fire safety course. At Ace Fire & Security, we offer fire warden training to ensure your employees are best equipped to deal with a fire.
Our fire warden training only takes 45 minutes to complete and will better equip individuals with the knowledge to help them react efficiently in the event of a fire. To get fire warden training for your business,
get in touch today.